Christ Fellowship

Ringgold, Georgia

We love Jesus..

We would love to have you come and join us on Sunday morning at 10:45am

Wednesday night Bible study

Want to grow deeper into the word.
Join us Wednesday night at 6:30pm as Pastor Ed Craft leads the study.

What we believe

We are a Presbyterian church that wants to share the word of God and experience God’s love for each other.

pastor Ed Craft

Join us as we build for the future….

We need to raise $35,000 dollars..

Join us as we upgrade our 40 year old heating and air conditioning equipment at our church on North Three Notch Road church.



Sharing Jesus Christ

Jesus offers peace..

Jesus offers a peace that surpasses all human understanding.

Are you getting that from the world?

Try Jesus…

Latest Sunday service

February 9th, 2025
“The Three Elements

of the Kingdom of God!”

Previous sermons

Click here to watch previous sermons.


Join us for a Christian movie and discussion of that movie on the last Tuesday of every month starting at 6:30 pm. hosted at the church.

We are studying the Christian impact of movies on the lives of believers.
November 26 2024, we will be watching a movie of the life of CS LEWIS. No admission charge, but a free will offering will be taken.

Join us for a special “website” movie Friday and Sunday nights, 7:00pm, eastern. The movie can only be watched on the website. Our prayer is you are encouraged by this movie.

Join us as we upgrade the facility

A life with Jesus….

There are a lot of challenges in the world today….

In the first generation church, Jesus showed “The Way.”

We believe “The Way” still works.

Join us….